Indication of Technical/Engineering Education in Astrology

As usual, since ‘Engineering/ Technology’ are application-oriented fields, there must at first be some inter-relationship with the 4th- and 5th- houses and/ or their lords (or such a relationship should be found between any other angular and trinal houses). The combined influence of Mars and Saturn leads one to study of Engineering and/ or Technology. … More Indication of Technical/Engineering Education in Astrology

Blending Astrology with some Engineering

I always love to see everything with an Engineering perspective….I love to blend everything with hard core engineering concepts. Same thing I am doing with astrology too. Every astrologer (the most accurate ones) has some secrets….the secrets they never share with the world…the secrets they discovered after many years of experience. Then why not me…..I … More Blending Astrology with some Engineering

Astrological Indications of Career in Medicine

Following are some planetary combinations from which we can decide whether a medical career is suitable for a person or not. 1. There must at first be some inter-relationship with the 4th- and 5th-houses and/ or their lords. 2. The Ascendant-lord situated in the 9th or the 9th-lord situated in the Ascendant, or if these … More Astrological Indications of Career in Medicine

Power of Positivity

When your are torn, shattered into pieces, depressed…fill your surroundings with ‪‎positivity‬….start it with your DP and your facebook and whatsapp status…keep smiling….and you will see the change. ‪Sucess‬ and ‪happiness‬ are your own definitions……define them in your own ways whenever you need.

Scientific theory on Astrology : Biofield and Human energy field (HET)

Many scientific reseaches are going on to find out how planets effect an individuals life. One theory is that it affects the biofield of a person. Modern science has confirmed that the human body is not just a physical structure, but is also composed of energy field. This biofield or human energy field (HEF) is … More Scientific theory on Astrology : Biofield and Human energy field (HET)